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  • Traffic light gets green light this spring | Collierville Independent

Traffic light gets green light this spring | Collierville Independent

The highly anticipated traffic signal at Collierville-Arlington and Poplar Ave. is being installed and is expected to be functioning at the end of April.

Construction crews have been making improvements to the driveways/aprons of the businesses at that intersection. Then the steel poles will be installed on the corners of the intersection as the anchors for the traffic signal wires.

With the opening of Highway 269/385 there has been a significant increase of traffic flowing into Collierville from the east.

Poplar Ave./Highway 57 being a major east-west roadway through Collierville has certainly felt the busy demand.

A recent traffic study conducted by the Tennessee Department of Transportation indicated that more than 13,400 vehicles a day travel from Poplar at Highway 385 west to downtown Collierville.

This traffic signal is being completely funded by a $420,000 Federal Congestion, Mitigation and Air Quality Grant administered by Shelby County. The improvements to the driveway/aprons and installation of the steel poles and signal are being constructed by Shelby County crews and contractors.

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