Banks promoted to lieutenant | Collierville Independent

Categorized |Public Safety

The Collierville Police Department held a promotion ceremony on June 19 at the Municipal Courthouse for Officer John Hal Banks.

At the ceremony Banks was officially promoted to Lieutenant and received his promotion certificate and badge. Police Chief Larry Goodwin was joined by Mayor Stan Joyner, Aldermen Billy Patton, Maureen Fraser, John Worley and Tom Allen, along with family and officers from CPD in congratulating Banks on the promotion.

John Hal Banks originally joined the CPD in November of 1984 and worked as a full time police officer until May of 1986. Hal left CPD to work in his family’s growing business but continued to be an active Police Reserve the CPD  for over 20 years. in February of 2010 Banks re-joined the CPD as a full time officer.

In May of this year Banks participated in the Lieutenant Promotion Process which tested six candidates on their knowledge in the following areas: state and local laws, effective police supervision, criminal investigation and case law, police patrol, community policing, along with police department, general orders and town policies.

The candidates were also tested through a media reporting exercise and underwent a personnel file review by the Assistant Chiefs and Chief.

“Officer Banks has exemplified outstanding service and has earned the respect of his fellow officers,” said Goodwin. “During his tenure with CPD he has displayed the characteristics necessary for leadership within the CPD. I am proud of him and commend his hard work and determination to serve the community with the highest levels of integrity.”policeofficer

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