St. George’s reports COVID-19 cases

We have been notified that a St. George’s community member in the Upper School division on our Collierville Campus has tested positive for COVID-19. School leadership, through the COVID-19 Care Team, has already notified each individual who has come in close contact with the positive case and has given them instructions on how to proceed.

St. George’s has taken the following actions to alleviate and closely monitor the situation:
We called the Shelby County Health Department of the positive case and are working closely to assist in contact tracing.We have completed our own contact/location tracing and all identified contacts have been notified.We are working with the janitorial service to ensure the cleaning protocols, outlined by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), are being closely followed.
It is important to continue following the CDC guidelines to protect your health and those around you:
Wash your hands often.Avoid close contact.Cover your nose and mouth with a mask when around others.Cover coughs and sneezes.Clean and disinfect. Monitor your health daily.
Should a student or employee have contact with a confirmed COVID-19 case outside of school, timely notice to the school is required. A member of the COVID-19 Care Team will coordinate a date it is safe to return to school based upon the Tennessee Department of Health guidelines.

Thank you in advance for your support and assistance.


Timothy Gibson
Interim Head of School
I am writing to share an update to the information that was shared with you last night. We have received information this morning that we have two additional cases of COVID-19 in the upper school.

Though the cases were not directly related to contact at school, we have traced each student’s path through the school day and feel that it is in the best interest of the health and safety of all members of our community that the upper school shift to remote learning until the end of fall break. We will begin dismissing upper school students before 1 p.m. today. If your student does not drive, they will remain in their classroom until a parent arrives to pick them up. Students will resume classes following the remote schedule tomorrow. All extracurricular activities in the high school are postponed until October 6. 

Middle and lower siblings are not required to be away from school unless the family is contacted by a member of the COVID team. 

St. George’s is taking the following actions to alleviate and closely monitor the situation:

We are notifying the Shelby County Health Department of the positive cases and are working closely to assist in contact tracing. We are completing our own contact/location tracing and all identified contacts will be notified.We are working with the janitorial service to ensure the cleaning protocols, outlined by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), are being closely followed.


Timothy Gibson
Interim Head of School

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