Southwind Yard of the Month

The magnificent home of Nasreen and Anwar Aman, just off of Tournament Drive in Southwind and located at 3715 Classic Drive, is always a sight to behold but this summer it has been spectacular. The Southwind Garden Club takes great pleasure in awarding them the September Yard of The Month designation. The colorful display of bedding plants has great curbside appeal and flanked by tall palm trees creates a lovely landscape for all to enjoy. Nareem and Anwar have lived in their house for more than 10 years and every year they take great care in providing the neighborhood with a joyful scene. In the words of Nasreen, “This year we planted more flowers than usual because we want our neighbors and people passing by to feel happy when they see the beautiful flowers and the palm trees. We want to bring joy during the pandemic to our neighbors.” The Southwind Garden Club is a member of the Federation of Tennessee Garden Clubs, Inc., and the National Garden Clubs, Inc.

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